NZFGC welcomes launch of Grocery Code of Conduct

NZFGC welcomes launch of Grocery Code of Conduct

The NZ Food and Grocery Council welcomes the launch of the Grocery Supply Code of Conduct by the Government today. It comes into effect on September 28. The final version confirms: the prohibition of abuse of power by supermarkets over suppliers the stipulation that...

New markets for growth

Exporting is an important part of the business of many NZFGC members whose brands we see daily on supermarket shelves. For some, exporting outweighs what they sell on our shores, while others are looking to break into new markets to open up growth opportunities beyond...
Unit pricing now in supermarkets

Unit pricing now in supermarkets

Supermarkets are now required to display unit pricing on grocery products. The change applied from the end of August. Consumer Affairs Minister Duncan Webb said the new regulations will make it easier for consumers to compare product prices. Supermarket will be...