Transglutaminase from GM Bacillus licheniformis as a processing aid
Transglutaminase from GM Bacillus licheniformis as a processing aid – to FSANZ
Beta-Fructofuranosidase from GM Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid
Beta-Fructofuranosidase from GM Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid – to FSANZ
NZFGC talking to members over Foodstuffs’ merger proposal
The NZ Food and Grocery Council will canvas the views of its supplier members over Foodstuffs’ proposal to merge its North Island and South Island companies.
Food derived from disease-resistant banana line QCAV-4
Food derived from disease-resistant banana line QCAV-4 – to FSANZ
Working towards better health outcomes together
Robust, scientifically reliable data is needed to make sound policy decisions and measure the effect of interventions to prompt people to eat more healthily.
Iwi planning new 20-30 store supermarket chain -report
A consortium of iwi is reported to be in advanced talks over setting up a new supermarket chain, initially with between 20 and 30 stores, to take on Countdown and Foodstuffs.
Improving composition of the food supply in relation to industrially produced trans fats
Improving the composition of the food supply in relation to industrially produced trans fats – to Australian Department of Health, Canberra
Gearing up for big changes
We are now definitely in the thick of the election campaign where many policy announcements will be of interest to the food and grocery sector. At NZFGC we’re keeping a keen eye on these. With the polls continuing to be neck and neck it’s critical we are across all...
Review of formulated supplementary sports foods
Review of formulated supplementary sports foods: Consultation Paper Two –Nutrition and Health Claims – to FSANZ
Carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages
Carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages – to FSANZ