NZFGC Submission on Commerce Commission Statement of Preliminary Issues:  Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island

NZFGC Submission on Commerce Commission Statement of Preliminary Issues: Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island

The majority of member responses we received shared similar concerns the increase in competitive market share was more likely to increase operational centralisation and reduce negotiation leverage, with a concern that there would be more at stake leading to increases in the cost of doing business for suppliers and increased prices for consumers. 

ComCom newsletter: Grocery Commissioner’s update

ComCom newsletter: Grocery Commissioner’s update

Here is the latest information from the Grocery Commissioner, and if you’re in the process of being offered a Grocery Supply Agreements it’s important to read, as the Commission are developing a Grocery Supply Code Checklist to help suppliers and legal advisors to determine if agreements are compliant with the provisions of the Grocery Supply Code.