Nutrient Reference Values – Age Range for Adults
Nutrient Reference Values – Age Range for Adults, to Steering Group Advisory Committee on NRVs, National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra Submission document
Kiwis lead APEC achievement on non-tariff measures
The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) has been congratulated for work that has led to the adoption by APEC Ministers of an important set of principles on non-tariff measures. NZ International Business Forum Executive Director Stephen Jacobi has singled out ABAC...
Strengthening recalls and risk-based plans, programmes
Proposals to strengthen recalls and risk-based plans and programmes: regulations enabled by the Food Safety Law Reform Act 2018, to Ministry for Primary Industries Submission document
Steviol glycosides in fruit drinks
Submission on addition of steviol glycosides to fruit drinks, to Food Standards Australia Submission document
Addition of L-carnitine to foods
Submission on addition of L-carnitine to foods, to Food Standards Australia New Zealand submission document
Potassium polyaspartate as a food additive in wine
Submission on potassium polyaspartate as a food additive in wine, to Food Standards Australia New Zealand Submission document
Food waste in New Zealand
Briefing on food waste in New Zealand, to Environment Select Committee, Parliament House Briefing document
Labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks
Submission on Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: Labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks, to the Food Regulation Standing Committee, Canberra, Australia. Submission document
Half-Yearly Meeting & AGM
Nearly 300 FGC delegates attended the FGC Half-Yearly and AGM at Eden Park in May to hear guest speakers Belinda Tumbers, David Hughes, Lisa King, and Josh Borgia-Frost talk on a wide variety of topics.
Move on sale of energy drinks to children not necessary
Any move to impose an age restriction on the sale of energy drinks to New Zealand children is not necessary, says the Food & Grocery Council.