FGC believes a mandatory standard for sunscreens would be a good idea as long as it was overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency, which oversees the Cosmetics Standard. It would a regulatory disaster for either Medsafe or the Ministry of Health to regulate...
GS1’s Connect 2019 in April
GS1’s Connect 2019 conference will be held on 11 April in Auckland. It's entitled ‘The identification of everything makes anything possible’. An impressive list of speakers include from Amazon, Google, NZ Food & Grocery Council, Foodstuffs, Consumer NZ, and the...
2’-FL and LNnT as novel foods
2’-FL and LNnT as novel foods in infant formula and other products, to Food Standards Australia New Zealand Submission document
Stronger penalties for food tampering welcomed
The Food & Grocery Council supports Nathan Guy’s Private Members Bill to increase the penalties for those who intentionally contaminate food.
Cost recovery in MPI’s food system
Proposals to improve cost recovery in MPI’s food system: MPI Discussion Paper No: 2018/15, to Cost Recovery Directorate, Ministry for Primary Industries Submission document
Lysophospholipase as a processing aid
Lysophospholipase from Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid (enzyme), to Food Standards Australia New Zealand Submission document
Triacylglycerol Lipase as a processing aid
Triacylglycerol Lipase from Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid (enzyme), to Food Standards Australia New Zealand Submission document
Port, carriers tackle container bottleneck
Ports of Auckland and road carriers are combining to improve container delivery times at the port. FGC had earlier raised concerns about lengthy bottlenecks.
Document on unfair business conduct welcomed
The Food & Grocery Council welcomes the launch of a document outlining proposals to prohibit unfair business conduct and contract terms.
Five-year review of Health Star Rating system
Five-year review of the Health Star Rating system – consultation paper: options for system enhancement, to mpconsulting, Collingwood, Australia Submission document