Master planning for F&B facilities

In the food & beverage industry, client requests for new products or different packaging create a constant need to update and add to existing processing facilities. The tempo of new projects can often be rapid, driven by evolving client strategies,...

Best-Before Q&A

What’s your opinion on best-before dates? Best-before dates provide good information to consumers and also confidence to manufacturers that their products can be presented and judged appropriately. They tell a consumer that before a certain date the product will be in...

Product tampering

FGC has twice written to the government of the day urging a review of New Zealand’s law regarding malicious tampering of food, beverages, pharmaceuticals and other consumer goods to ensure it is fit for purpose, particularly in terms of penalties. In 2015, we wrote to...

Letter on malicious tampering

Review of New Zealand law regarding malicious tampering and consumer goods – to Hon. Andrew Little, Minister of Justice Letter  

Genetic engineering

The NZ Food & Grocery Council supports the provisions of the Food Standards Code (Standard 1.5.2) with regard to genetic engineering. To date, our members have not taken up GE ingredients in food because there has not been a consumer benefit worth launching onto...

FGC responds to claims over packaged food

FGC has responded to claims by researchers that half of packaged food on supermarket shelves is unhealthy and that Health Stars should be mandatory as a result. Katherine Rich says supermarkets carry many thousands of options, and it depends entirely on what people...