Worker exemptions will keep supply chains open
Exemptions for critical workers announced by the Government will make a big difference to keeping food and grocery supply chains working, says FGC.
Health backtracks on claim over Rapid Antigen Tests
The Ministry of Health has backtracked on a claim RAT kits requisitioned from private businesses were not already in NZ when the Ministry took them.
Govt intercepts companies’ RAT kits
Orders by food and grocery companies of many thousands of Rapid Antigen Test kits have been intercepted by the Government to bolster its low stocks.
Review stand-down periods to ensure supply, says FGC
The Government should review stand-down periods for close contacts, the definition of a close contact, and enable businesses to readily access rapid antigen testing, says FGC.
Sunscreen survey: sales hit record
Kiwis are buying sunscreen products at astonishing levels, with a 9.9% year-on-year increase in sales, setting a category record for the past three years.
Proposals for a new waste strategy
Te kawe i te haepapa para / Taking responsibility for our waste: Proposals for a new waste strategy – issues and options for new waste legislation – to Ministry for the Environment Document
Definitions for gene technology and new breeding techniques
Definitions for gene technology and new breeding techniques – to Food Standards Australia New Zealand Submission
Market study into the retail grocery sector: post-conference submission
Market study into the retail grocery sector: post-conference submission – to the Commerce Commission Document
‘Commerce Commission has two viable choices’
The Commerce Commission has two viable choices coming out of its 7-day online conference on the Grocery Market Study, writes Stuff reporter Tom Pullar-Strecker.
Grocery Market Study online conference
Commentator Ernie Newman reviews the first three days of the Commerce Commission’s virtual conference on its Grocery Market Study.