Select committee agrees on Code of Conduct
A parliamentary select committee has agreed a Code of Conduct would help address issues of competition, uncompetitive behaviour, and lack of choice across the grocery sector.
So will the Govt break up the duopoly?
The likelihood or otherwise of the Government breaking up the supermarket duopoly is the subject of two pieces of analysis.
Govt may break up duopoly, next steps in May
The Commerce Minister has given his strongest indication yet the Government could be about to break up NZ’s supermarket duopoly. Next steps will be announced in late May.
Could this be the new face of competition in supermarkets:
A 500g block of Tararua butter $4 compared to $7.30 and $6.79! A 1.2kg box of Weet-Bix $5 compared to $7.80! Greggs special blend instant coffee $1 compared to $2.49!
Grocery report a victory for suppliers
The Commerce Commission’s report on its market study is a victory for suppliers in terms of fairness, competition, and common sense.
Pallet shortage caused by just-in-case approach
A shortage of pallets is being caused by businesses moving from a just-in-time to a just-in-case approach to managing stock in the face of Omicron.
Health Stars on 3047 FGC products
NZFGC member companies continue to add food products to the Health Star Rating system despite the challenges of Covid-19.
Bureaucracy to fore in business RATs access
The Government couldn’t have set-up a more bureaucratic system for businesses trying to access rapid antigen tests, says FGC.
Proposed changes to cost recovery in MPI’s food system
Proposed changes to cost recovery in MPI’s food system – to Ministry for Primary Industries. Document
Nutrient Profiling System for Children & Young People’s Advertising Code
Nutrient Profiling System for the Children and Young People’s Advertising Code – to Advertising Standards Authority Document