Proposal to broaden scope of covenants
FGC’s revealing submission on restrictive supermarket leases has been acted on by a select committee.
Modern slavery and exploitation
A legislative response to modern slavery and worker exploitation: towards freedom, fairness and dignity in operations and supply chains discussion document – to MBIE document
Further anti-competitive behaviour by supermarkets revealed
FGC has revealed further anti-competitive behaviour by supermarkets, this time regarding the leases on their premises.
Commerce (Grocery Sector Covenants) Amendment Bill
Commerce (Grocery Sector Covenants) Amendment Bill - to Economic Development Science and Innovation Select Committee Document
Grocery stalwart Peter Mitchell dies
Grocery industry stalwart and icon Peter Mitchell, the only two-time recipient of FGC’s Lifetime Achiever Award, has died.
FGC welcomes Govt response to Market Study report
The NZ Food & Grocery Council welcomes the Government’s response to the Commerce Commission’s report on its Market Study into the grocery sector.
Legislation to block land covenants passes first reading
Legislation to stop major supermarkets blocking competitors from accessing land for new stores is now being considered by a parliamentary select committee.
Container Return Scheme, Improvements to Household Kerbside Recycling, Separation of Business Food Waste
Transforming Recycling: Container Return Scheme, Improvements to Household Kerbside Recycling, Separation of Business Food Waste – to Ministry for the Environment Document
Price ‘roll-back’ shows path to affordable groceries
Freezes and rollbacks on grocery prices are a recognition there’s a part for supermarkets to play in ensuring affordable groceries, says Katherine Rich.
Consumer NZ wants Minister to go further
Consumer NZ has launched a petition calling on the Government to go beyond the Commerce Commission’s recommendations in its report on the grocery sector.