As part of its market study into supermarkets, the Commerce Commission has launched an online survey aimed at suppliers to help it build a detailed picture of how competition is working at the supplier level of the grocery sector, and NZFGC members are encouraged to take part.

It asks about suppliers’ trading relationships and bargaining power with retailers and wholesalers and any specific behaviour or conduct which may be positively or negatively affecting their businesses.

The Commission says it understands some of the information suppliers may want to share could be commercially sensitive and highly confidential. Anyone who has information relevant to the study can ask the Commission to keep their identity and/or the information provided confidential, and they are happy to discuss any available protections with them. If confidentiality is a concern, it should be raised when suppliers first contact them so they can discuss any concerns as early as possible.

Suppliers also have the option to complete the survey anonymously.

The Commission has also released a factsheet for suppliers with information on how it handles confidential information and how the Official Information Act applies to information it holds. It also has powers under the Commerce Act to protect confidential information in some cases.

Take the survey here

The Commission has also launched a survey aimed at consumers to gauge their shopping behaviour, including how they decide where to shop and what to buy. There is also a fact sheet on what it’s looking at, the process, potential outcomes, and how and when consumers can take part.

Take the consumer survey here