Think you know ASEAN? Think again

The complexities of ASEAN, with its 625 million people and multitude of ethnicities, calls for a granular approach to understanding market opportunities there, Nielsen reports in its latest consumer market update. While ASEAN has been enjoying economic recognition in...

Health Star Rating System

Submission to Health Star Rating Advisory Committee, Canberra, Australia, on Discussion Paper for Public Consultation: The Form of the Food (as prepared) Rules for the HSR System. Submission...

NZ’s phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons

Submission to HFC Consultation, Ministry for the Environment, on New Zealand’s phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons to ratify the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and associated supporting measures (consultation document 2017) Submission...

Why trade matters – video series

The New Zealand International Business Forum has released a video series that highlights how trade matters and how it impacts on the everyday lives of all New Zealanders. The five two-minute videos comprise trade and business experts talking about different aspects of...