Food Processing and ‘Future Foods’

Food Processing and ‘Future Foods’

Information paper: Food Processing and ‘Future Foods’ In recent years, there has been increasing commentary that food processing has negative health implications, and that “ultra-processed” foods and beverages should be limited or avoided in the diet....
New import requirements for frozen berries

New import requirements for frozen berries

MPI: New import requirements for frozen berries a win-win for consumers and food importers New Zealand Food Safety has issued new import rules for frozen berries to help keep New Zealanders safe and improve processes at the border. In 2022-2023 there was an outbreak...
Plain English Allergen Labelling

Plain English Allergen Labelling

New requirements for the labelling of allergens in food are now in place. These requirements were developed through FSANZ Proposal P1044 – Plain English Allergen Labelling. The new requirements include that allergen information is to be declared: in a specific format...
HSR uptake climbs to 5900

HSR uptake climbs to 5900

HSR uptake climbs to 5900 September 8 2022 FGC member companies are continuing to bring more food products into the Health Star Rating system. At the end of December, they had 3363 products with HSR labels on them – an increase of 316 on December 2021. The...
Health Star Rating System

Health Star Rating System

The Food & Grocery Council is a strong advocate for and a key player in the Health Star Rating system ­- the front of pack labelling designed to help shoppers make quicker and easier healthier food choices by comparing products in the same category. The HSR system...
School & Community Initiatives

School & Community Initiatives

FGC and its member companies are committed to being strongly supportive of encouraging healthy lifestyles and reducing harm in the community. As such, many companies have launched initiatives or joined with others or non-government organisations such as the Heart...


New Zealand, like many countries, is facing a growing obesity problem. According to Manatu Hauora, The Ministry of Health, New Zealand had the third highest adult obesity rate in the OECD, and our rates continue to increase. One in three adult New Zealanders (over 15...


The food industry agrees that obesity is at a concerning level, so it is putting a huge amount of effort into reformulating food and beverage products to remove sugar, fat or salt and provide consumers with healthier options. This work has been ongoing for years. As a...
Food Safety

Food Safety

Food safety is top of mind for FGC and its members. New Zealand’s food products are renowned around the world for their quality and safety, and we play our part in guarding that reputation jealously. FGC has a group of technical experts – the Health & Regulatory...

Community Programmes

FGC members join with communities across New Zealand in many programmes and activities in order to deliver a positive impact and leverage industry skills, knowledge and resources to help New Zealanders live healthier lives. We are also keen to share our successes and...