Are you an Owner, Chief Executive or General Manager of small to medium-sized FMCG businesses, with a turnover of less than $100m in revenue? Our first SME event for 2025 will be on Thursday 3 April, with Foodbowl Co-CE Grant Verry. The sessions will be chaired by...
NZFGC Shared Horizons 2024 We’ve launched the second season of Shared Horizons! Presented by the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council in partnership with ASN Media, Shared Horizons showcases the latest innovations, inspirations and leadership in Aotearoa New...
Making this Summer the best stocked yet! Winning in Summer, Winning Together Toolkit now available Supplier and Retailer planning is critical to getting a steady summer supply, so shelves are stocked. The ‘Winning in Summer, Winning Together’ programme supports supply...
NZ and UAE conclude free trade agreement negotiations New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates have concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement that will unlock opportunities for exporters with one of our most important trading partners in the Gulf region...
Grocery Industry Dispute Resolution Scheme The Grocery Industry Dispute Resolution Scheme run by the New Zealand Dispute Resolution Centre is available for use. What is it for? For suppliers, the scheme is designed to resolve disputes under the Grocery Supply...
Commerce Commission releases First Annual Grocery Report The Commerce Commission has released the first Annual Report on Grocery. NZFGC welcomes this substantive Report which demonstrates a depth of analysis of the Grocery market, providing a solid platform for future...
Options for export exemptions from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements under the Food Act 2014 MPI is currently consulting on options for export exemptions from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements under the Food Act 2014. MPI is...
PPPS Industry briefings – Have you registered? Over the next two weeks, the PPPS team is holding four industry briefing sessions on the stewardship scheme design for plastic packaging. These sessions are important. Feedback will be gathered from those attending,...
New report highlight food recall system at work A new report by New Zealand Food Safety identifies Salmonella in imported sesame seed-based products as the most significant food safety event of 2023, resulting in 14 recalls affecting 65 food products. The...
Kiwi exporters win as NZ-EU FTA enters into force Kiwi exporters are $100 million better off today (Wednesday 1 May 2024) with the NZ EU FTA entering into force says Trade Minister Todd McClay. “This is all part of our plan to grow the economy. New Zealand’s...
MPI: New import requirements for frozen berries a win-win for consumers and food importers New Zealand Food Safety has issued new import rules for frozen berries to help keep New Zealanders safe and improve processes at the border. In 2022-2023 there was an outbreak...
FMCG Futures Internship Intake 2024/25 Are you ready to unlock the potential of tomorrow’s FMCG talent? Find out more about the 2024/25 FMCG Futures Summer Intern program! Employer registrations are now OPEN, and we’re on the lookout for forward-thinking...